Must be 9 digits. Currently Entered: 0 digits.
Would you like to speak to a Peer Mentor, Graduate Peer Mentor, alumna(us) or Fellow?
I am...
Please check all that apply.
Knowing more about you will help inform us about whether we are meeting the needs of all of our diverse students. The information that you provide is confidential, optional, and will be used to improve our programs and services.
First Generation Student = First in your family to attend a post-secondary education institute
Mature Student = A student is considered a mature student at York if she/he meets one of the following 3 categories:
1. Student was at least 21 y of age and has been out of high school for at least 1 year when she/he started their studies at York, and has not completed a full year of post-secondary education, or
2. Student was 25 y or older when she/he started their studies at York, or
3. Student has been out of school for 5 y or more.
Would you like to mentor undergraduate students?
How are you involved with Calumet & Stong Colleges? Please check all that apply. *
Are you attending this event? *
HealthyYU Conference Registration. Please select all of the activities that you will be attending.
For guest speakers and lunch: If you need to change your registration prior to the event, please email us at scchelp@yorku.ca
Have you previously attended any of the workshops offered by Calumet and Stong Colleges?
http://stong.yorku.ca/events/ *
Thank you for your suggestions. We will aim to organize co-curricular and extra-curricular workshops, activities and events to engage students in their own success and enhance the intellectual culture of Stong College. We also aim to develop the leadership skills of our students.
If you are a first year or a fourth year student please remember to participate in NSSE and make your voice heard. http://nsse.info.yorku.ca/
Other events which may interest you:
March 9, 2017 - Calumet & Stong @2020
12:00PM - 4:00PM
101 Stong (MDR)
You must RSVP: http://tinyurl.com/jl6x8v2
March 29, 2017 - Careers Matter - Alumni-Student Connection
Students connect with Alumni about their career options
6:30-9:00 pm
Stong College Dining Hall
You must RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/careersmatter