CCSC Consultation on CCSC Health and Wellness Initiatives Winter 2022

CCSC Consultation on CCSC Health and Wellness Initiatives Winter 2022


Calumet and Stong Colleges are seeking to get your input on potential new initiatives supporting Health and Wellbeing for the Colleges community. We would appreciate your input on the various initiatives below and would like your own feedback on potential ideas.

Please note the Calumet & Stong Colleges strategic plan as it relates to Promoting Health and Wellness:

Section E. Promoting Health & Wellness

E1. Embed and customize Health and Wellness education, practices and skills across the student experience

E2. Develop and promote initiatives, training and partnerships focused on the CCSC framework of health and wellness with students, student organizations, staff, faculty, alumni, fellows, campus partners and the community

E3. Expand aspects of Health and Wellness into the classroom

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email Abdul k. Mohammed at