SHPM Undergraduate Course Permission Request Form ENSURE YOU HAVE SELECTED THE CORRECT SECTION & TERM! Due to on-going student demand, the SHPM established an online course permission feature for all School of Health Policy & Management courses at the undergraduate level. Students interested in a course(s), but are unable to enroll, may use the course permission form as way to express their interest in a specific course. Space often becomes available in courses as students continue to make changes to their course schedules. Please submit the form below to request permission for upcoming Summer 2024 courses. Students will be notified of their permission decision via the email they have provided in the Seeking Course Permission form. Students are expected to check their email on a regular basis for a permission decision notification. Completion of the form does not guarantee enrolment into a course. Students will be contacted based on available space in courses. If you have further questions regarding SHPM courses, please contact the SHPM main office at