2018-2019 Calumet and Stong Colleges Student Club/Organization Funding Request Form

2018-2019 Calumet and Stong Colleges Student Club/Organization Funding Request Form

Calumet College and Stong College student club/organizations which have been approved for and have accepted affiliation with either Calumet College or Stong College may apply for funding from the Colleges to a maximum of $300.00 per club/organization per year.

Funding may be provided for catering, office supplies, printing, tech and for purchases which can be made using a York University budget number. No cash will be given to or reimbursed to any student club or organization and the monies must be used for events and activities which are accessible to all students and which provide enrichment for Calumet and Stong Colleges students. Funding may not be used for donations to a cause or charity or the like.

In order to be eligible for funding the following conditions MUST be met:

- The club or organization must be fully ratified by SCLD
- All Executive members of the club/organization must have completed Foundational Peer Leadership Training (FPLT)

Please also note that any catering for the event (whether funded specifically or not) must adhere to the Faculty of Health guidelines:

No alcohol
No mayonnaise or cream sauces/dressings
No fried food
No beef and only halal meats
Whole grains, pumpernickel only
Vegan options must be available and include a suitable plant-based protein